Student Solution


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1 University

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Worksheet 4.1

Worksheet 4.1

Q 1 25 / 25 points Match the carbohydrate with the correct descriptor: Polysaccharide Results for item 2. 2 25 / 25 points Fiber that does not dissolve in water and is less readily broken down by bacteria in the large intestine is referred to as soluble fiber. Results for item 3. 3 25 / 25 points The addition of food specific amounts of nutrients to replace those lost during processing is Results for item 4. 4 25 / 25 points Match the parts of the grain with the correct descriptor: Bran

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Correct match: A complex carbohydrate. Glycogen, starches, and fiber cellulose are all examples. Disaccharide Correct match: A simple carbohydrate. Maltose, sucrose, and lactose are all examples. Monosaccharide Correct match: A simple carbohydrate. Glucose, Fructose, and glactose are all examples.